
The life philosophy in words of wisdom, quotes, poems and literature by Rasheed Kayode Bushura

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My daily tablets; 

#76) This is for me has much as for any one who has allowed fear to limit their increase. Our subconscious mind can limit us habitually, through fear via the things we leave till another day. If they not the most crucial things in our life's, they probably the most fundamental, extreme important things. Even if the urgent is good, the good can keep us from our best, keep us from outstanding achievements, Do those things that you fear the most, you fear failing in. Do it now, thats were your increase and success lys. -  

#77) What determines the successes or failures of man is their planing, preparation, practice, and the execution. Regardless of the result, wining or losing is a by-product of that effort, knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable is a victory on to itself. - 

#78) Dominate you thoughts, ponder and meditate as in a man of action, and conduct your actions as in a man of thought, reasoning and rational.

#79) The attitudes of a leader is firstly determined by the control and leadership of self, he must be assertive, but not domineering ; be kind, but not weak; be humble, but not timid; be proud but not arrogant; have humour, without folly. A leader must accept blame and give credit when due. A leader is self made, it's your choice.-  

#80) Our successes, wealth and riches are not favours from the gods nor accident of history. It is not inherited via chance or luck. 
It is the byproduct of human creativity in an environment of choice. To those who want to prosper, having the ability to conceive ideas, set goal and implement action plans. In a society with the freedom to own, to produce goods and services, to make contracts, to save, to invest, to associate and to trade. What more do you need ? -  

#81) The true prophets are those who believe in their dreams, and predict the future by creating that reality, through any means necessary. - 


82) A man must search for what he loves, pursue whats right and happiness will search for him.-R K Bushura 

#83) Great Ideas conceived in ones mind must be acted upon with a burning desire, in brave men or they are no better than mere dreams. - R K Bushura  

#84) A man needs food for the body daily, for the bodies nutrients and energy. As a man needs to exercise the body daily for blood circulation, fitness and health. So also a man needs to study daily for mental stimulation, increase and a sound mind. For wellbeing, a man needs to be in a daily state of appreciation, love and joy . As for the riches in life, man must serve life and then life shall reward and serve him. Which all holistically delineates wealth. - 

#85) A desired dream will manifest itself, when you make steps and effort that precedes the ambition.

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My daily tablets;

#86) Never, ever, ever give up, not even to overwhelming force, never yeild to fear. Plan, prepare, practice and be patient your opportunity will inevitably arise. One must self-direct his destiny in life, strive to perfect his mastery & fulfil his purpose. 

87) The first time I see someone smiling in putting all their effort in the works, things they despise, and gain an increase. I will consider it. -  

#88) Thinking unthinkable thoughts and exercising your creative mind with thoughts beyond the realms of possibilities, in our physical realities has advantages beyond the concept it self. If you can conceive thoughts outside the box. Utilising your great imagination, even when man calls you insane, will set you above the rest of man. Henry ford was once called a lunatic the Wright brothers were called crazy, you will have no troubles, with minor ideas outside the box that man calls innovation.- 

89) A Mental Dialog 

90) I love life and every thing about it, i love the lessons in what's perceived as evil; I love the wars and deaths, nature's disasters, the oppressions from our rich history, I have learned and grown from them.
I love the good in dreams in which we can manifest destiny. The ability to create a future with unlimited potential. I love every awaking moment to life, new experiences bringing forth new desires. Above all I love a mind dominate with thoughts of peace and tranquility. R K Bushura 

91) At times it the simple, uncomplicated ideas, that are the ultimate spectacles of life. R K Bushura 

92) We are all part of the oneness of all there is and ever was, which is all what will ever be. 
I and all are the physical mirror image of the creator. The beingness man calls GOD the substance of all life as nature, spirit, an amalgamation of all souls, which is also the created man, collectively for the consciousness of its existence. 

An experience with individual thoughts and emotions were the Created is the embodiment of mankind and all living things. As writhing in sacred scriptures, we are made in the image and likeness of God. As writing in the sciences from a quantum physics persective, we are creators of our realities. R K Bushura 

93) My A-E philosophy and methods of success; 
 A) "As a man thinks in his hart, so is he."- proverbs 23:7 Holy Bible.

If so I shall dominate my thoughts on happiness, love, appreciation, contentment and peace. 
 B) “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”-Buddha. 
 If so I shall meditate on health and fitness. Wealth and prosperity. Wisdom, knowledge and overstanding. 
 C) "What ever the mind of a man can conceive and believe it can be achieved" - Napoleon Hill.  
 If so I shall be an embodiment of a God in the arts as desired, which conceived achievable. 
 D) "Faith without works is dead"- James 2:20 Holy Bible 
 If so I shall develop an obsession of 'Inspired Action' and take continuous steps to succeed.
 E) "Every adversity as a seed of an equal or grater benefit."- Napoleon Hill 

If so I will never worry, every heartache, mistake, mishap, failure and letdowns ultimately as a benefit for me. 
 If you want to succeed?apply these principles in your life. 15/11/11. - R K Bushura 

#94) I have won, In the wining I conceived a great mind, a mind of God. We are all meant to be winers, it's the fear of our shine that most frightens us from the receipt of our winnings. Even tho we are made in the image and likeness of God, we choose not to be the creators of our own realities but victims of faith. Become the embodiment of god in which you have been created to be. -  

#95) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today, unless willing to die, having it left undone. Awaiting inspiration to begin? action always generates inspiration, when you take courage. Inspiration rarely generates action. Take it an inch at a time, do it now.-

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My daily tablets;  

96) focusing on your chosen mission in life.- R K Bushura 
 1)What's your mission in life?
(Goals, ambitions, purpose) 
 2)Are you ready to trade your life for it implemented ?

only study (read), learn & act on 
 A) information relevant to your mission in life. 
 B) principles relative in to your mission in life. 
 C) keywords/phrase relative to your mission in life. 

 3) Is what you are doing relative to your mission in life ?

 4) finally you must give and dedicated your life to fulfilling your destiny by any means necessary towards your mission in life. 

97) Life is a means to an end, a blink of an eye compered to eternity. You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey. R K Bushura 

98) The successful man dominates is thoughts on his love of solving problems. While the unsuccessful, focus and complain on their hatred of problems.-  

#99) The fight between God and the Devil is my fight between good and evil which is that fight between my fears and hopes. I will try, try and try till, I stand in faith and believe. -  

#100) Worrying about tomorrow is using your creative imagination to create negative experiences in your reality. Use your god giving mind to be in the natural order of wellbeing, the vibration in which birth forth all existence. A feeling place of appreciation. -

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